Leslie Aragon Leslie Aragon

Anxiety and Rumination

Why can’t I stop thinking about this?

One of the common reasons people seek out therapy is rumination. Sometimes people struggle with managing thoughts about past traumatic events, not being able to stop worrying, and replaying events where they find themselves feeling critical of their own interactions.

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Leslie Aragon Leslie Aragon

What is trauma?

Hi all, thank you for taking a moment to check out this blog. I wanted to talk to you about trauma. This is my first blog to introduce the topic and I will be writing more about treatment, symptoms and supporting trauma survivors in future posts.

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Leslie Aragon Leslie Aragon

What is trauma pt. II

Welcome back! This is the second part of my two-part series about how we define and understand trauma. I’m a trauma therapist several approaches to help my clients work through traumatic experiences.

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Leslie Aragon Leslie Aragon

Grit & Resilence

Difficult feelings are just our emotional system telling us that certain needs, expectations, or desires are not being met and we desire change, or we feel unsafe. Emotions can motivate action and help us connect with others, but sometimes can lead to responses that do not match our rational plans.

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